Tuesday, January 20, 2004


I just finished Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie. I've seen Albom on ESPN off and on over the years, and was vaguely aware that he had written this book. I grabbed it on a whim while in the bookstore the other day, and read it in about 2 1/2 hours.

The book is building a reputation for "changing lives," and I can see how that can happen. The book recounts Albom's experiences as he spent each Tuesday over about 6 months with his dying professor from college. In the book, Albom describes how he had buried himself in his busy life and work schedule and how spending time with Morrie began to reshape his views on life - and death.

It's a quick and easy read, and wasn't quite as in depth as I would have liked. Each visit is briefly described by the topic of the day and a short description of the conversations. Many stories are only touched upon. I'm sure this is somewhat intentional. The goal of the book is to document what Morrie wanted to say about life, culture, marriage, death, and other heavy topics. By keeping the chapters to only a few pages, I found it easy to read through the entire book without feeling bogged down. Morrie's message was successfully delivered to this reader.

In the end, any reader is sure to be touched by Morrie's attitude and love for life - even when facing his own mortality.

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